There are no "threads" in phpBB. It is a flat database. You can subscribe all users (other than Anonymous and Bots) to a Topic with the following SQL: Executing SQL Queries in phpMyAdmin )
x = the topic id. If your table prefix is not
To subscribe all users to a forum, substitute forums_watch for topics_watch and the forum_id for x.
Backup the topics_watch and forums_watch tables before executing these queries.
INSERT INTO phpbb_topics_watch (user_id, topic_id, notify_status) SELECT user_id, x, 1 FROM phpbb_users WHERE user_type <> 2;
, change accordingly.To subscribe all users to a forum, substitute forums_watch for topics_watch and the forum_id for x.
Backup the topics_watch and forums_watch tables before executing these queries.
Statistics: Posted by stevemaury — Sat Jan 13, 2024 11:31 pm